Using AI in Education: A Personal Journey and Future Outlook

ai learning military skills university

Returning from my California trip late Sunday night, I found myself immediately facing a pile of deadlines and exam week. Today, I submitted three term papers. Only one required real thought and interesting work; the others were best handled with ChatGPT, as they consisted of typical university assignments like "review 12 sources and provide case recommendations."

I discovered another use for ChatGPT: I feed it my completed work along with the grading criteria and ask it to evaluate. Then, I have it suggest improvements and additions. With paid subscribers now having access to plugins and the internet, this process has become even easier. I question the need for outdated lecturers who neither present material engagingly nor assign practical tasks worthy of a portfolio.

Next Thursday, I have a statistics exam. I'll prepare the code for it tomorrow, and then my studies will be complete. In September, I'll be writing my dissertation, and I think I've had enough of master's degrees after this second one.

Reflecting on my experiences, it's clear that the education system needs to evolve in light of AI advancements. Traditional teaching methods, often rigid and outdated, must adapt to incorporate AI's potential for personalized learning and real-world applications. This means educators should focus on fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills—areas where human intuition and judgment are irreplaceable.

For learners, embracing AI literacy is crucial. Understanding how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT can significantly enhance productivity and learning outcomes. Moreover, developing skills in adaptability and lifelong learning will be essential as AI continues to evolve rapidly. Soft skills, such as communication and empathy, will remain vital, distinguishing us in an increasingly automated world.

In two and a half weeks, I'll head to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for six weeks. I'm feeling a bit anxious, but also excited about the opportunity to learn and grow. Sandhurst is renowned for its rigorous training, focusing not just on military tactics but also on leadership, discipline, and resilience. These soft skills are invaluable, not only for my role as a reserve officer but also in my civilian career as an AI engineer. Leadership and teamwork are crucial when working on tech projects, and the ability to adapt and remain resilient in the face of challenges is a skill that transcends any field.

As I prepare for this next chapter, I realize that the ability to adapt and learn continuously, alongside leveraging AI, will be key to navigating both academic and professional landscapes. The future of education is not just about acquiring knowledge but about developing the skills to use that knowledge effectively in a world where AI and human capabilities coexist and complement each other.

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