Overcoming Procrastination: My Journey and Tools

ai learning lifehacks

I've battled procrastination my entire life, even undergoing four years of therapy to address it. Recently, my therapist pointed out a significant reduction in my procrastination, which led us to discuss the factors contributing to this change.

Two main strategies have made a difference for me. The first is the Ivy Lee Method, the only to-do list approach that works for me. I tend to switch tasks as soon as I lose interest, making it difficult to focus on what's important. I bought an Ivy Lee notebook, which is straightforward: it has seven pages for six tasks per day and additional notes. Every seven pages, there’s space for a “brain dump,” where I jot down everything on my mind. This allows me to delegate thoughts to the notebook and not worry about them throughout the day.

I don't prioritize the six tasks by importance. Instead, I sit down each morning and list what needs to be done. If I run out of ideas before reaching six tasks, I refer to the brain dump page. A crucial part of this ritual is allowing myself not to complete everything or change plans during the day. The key is delegating to the notebook.

I've previously mentioned that I procrastinate when I'm bored or when tasks seem difficult. Another related issue is not knowing where to start. Here, ChatGPT has been invaluable, offering a unique advantage over mentors and teachers. It’s not intimidating to ask it silly or seemingly pointless questions.

In school, I was taught to raise my hand and wait to be called on, to avoid asking stupid questions, and to aim for perfect grades. In the military, speaking out of turn wasn’t encouraged, and at work, I often heard, "Initiative is punishable." Asking dumb questions often led to ridicule, and some people liked to show off at your expense, making it risky and unacceptable to appear foolish.

However, with ChatGPT, I can ask all the silly questions I want, which is empowering. Over the past few months of experimenting, I've learned more in my field than I had in the previous few years. University lectures, often outdated compared to the cutting-edge knowledge of hackers, have become less interesting. Now, I navigate the curriculum independently with ChatGPT's help, opening up a wonderful new world for me.

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